
叱吒風雲的蘋果前執行長賈伯斯 10/5 因罕見胰臟疾病逝世,享年56歲,

1977年 蘋果電腦公司創辦人賈伯斯介紹新 Apple II

1977 Photo shows Apple co-founder Steve Jobs as he
introduces the new Apple II in Cupertino, Calif ( 圖 / AP )

1984年 賈伯斯公開發表新 Apple IIc

1984 From left, Steve Jobs, chairman of Apple Computers,
John Sculley, president and CEO, and Steve Wozniak,
co-founder of Apple, unveil the new Apple IIc computer in San Francisco

1984年 賈伯斯擔任蘋果電腦公司董事長

1984 Steve Jobs, chairman of the board of Apple Computer,
leans on the new "Macintosh" personal computer following a
shareholder's meeting in Cupertino, Calif

1990年 賈伯斯擔任 NeXT 電腦公司 CEO

1990 Steve Jobs, president and CEO of NeXT Computer Inc.,
shows off his company's new NeXTstation after an introduction to
the public in San Francisco

1997年 賈伯斯擔任 Pixar 執行長

1997 Steve Jobs, chief executive of Pixar,
speaks at the MacWorld trade show in San Francisco

1998年 賈伯斯介紹新款 iMac

1998 Steve Jobs of Apple Computers unveils the the
new iMac computer in Cupertino, Calif

2004年 賈伯斯介紹 iPod

2004 Apple CEO Steve Jobs displays the iPod mini at the
Macworld Conference and Expo in San Francisco. Jobs, the
Apple founder and former CEO who invented and masterfully
marketed ever-sleeker gadgets that transformed everyday
technology, from the personal computer to the iPod and iPhone,
died Wednesday. He was 56

2003年 賈伯斯證實罹患胰臟癌 日漸消瘦

2003 - Steve Jobs is diagnosed with a rare form of pancreatic
cancer and begins showing signs of weight loss. He is shown
in this combination photo of file photographs dating (top row L to R)
July 2000, November 2003, September 2005, (bottom L to R)
September 2006, January 2007 and September 2008. Jobs will take a
medical leave of absence until the end of June because his health
problems are "more complex" than he had thought, shocking investors
and sending the company's shares down as much
 as 10 percent on January 14, 2009

2007年 賈伯斯介紹 iPhone

2007 Steve Jobs holds up an Apple iPhone at the MacWorld
Conference in San Francisco. Jobs the CEO, Jobs the technologist
and futurist, Jobs the inventor and innovator and refiner of others' ideas:
All of them, in the end, relied upon another Steve Jobs who sewed
the others together and bottled their lightning: Steve Jobs the storyteller,
spinning the tale of our age and of his own success, and making
it happen as he went

2008年 賈伯斯介紹 MacBook Air

2008 Apple CEO Steve Jobs holds up the new MacBook
Air after giving the keynote address at the Apple MacWorld
Conference in San Francisco

2010年 賈伯斯介紹 iPad

2010年 賈伯斯介紹新款 iPhone 4

2011年 賈伯斯介紹 iPad 2

Apple Store 店面門市紀念創辦人賈伯斯,點上白蠟燭。







您的力量支持蘋果一路走來,從遠遠的APPLE 2 到現在的平板電腦,







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